Johannesburg, South Africa, 30 June 2021 – Today, Vaping Saved My Life is joining a global movement coordinated by the World Vapers’ Alliance to Back Vaping. Beat Smoking. With 2021 being one of the most important years in the history of vaping, South African vaping activists and vapers are raising their voices and calling for our politicians to embrace vaping-friendly policies. 

Commenting on the launch of the campaign Kurt Yeo said:

“We are excited to join this global effort to eradicate smoking for good. More than 2 million lives could be saved in South Africa if legislation follows evidence and includes vaping as a crucial tool to fight smoking.” 

This year is vital for the future of vaping and its ability to beat smoking. A global conference on tobacco control (COP 9) is taking place at the end of the year, which includes representatives from the South African administration. Many anti-vaping activists are calling for treating vaping the same as smoking, including putting in place flavour bans and tax hikes. Our leaders will need to stand up for vaping and push back on further restrictions. 

Michael Landl, Director of the World Vapers Alliance said:

“Having Vaping Saved My Life as a partner means that we have an even stronger voice at a global level this year. It will give a clear signal to the world that South Africa stands for vaping and wants to beat smoking.”

The Back Vaping. Beat Smoking Campaign is working together with vaping activists and organizations around the world to send a strong message to global leaders. To learn more about it go to

We need to act NOW. Vaping is under threat, and we only have a few months before global policy makers meet to discuss our rights. Join us today: